Posted by La Letra Capital on Dic 26, 2014 in English Version, Noticias, Podcast
Since the beginning, eleven years ago, in laletracapital we have tried to promote and raise those artistic expressions that seemed interesting to us. Within them, music has been the principal. Over time, we’ve noticed that everything has changed a lot and nothing is like it was back in 2003. Internet has modified many things, like our perception and way of approaching the bands and their albums. It has changed the way to consume music and enjoying it, and in letracapital we have tried, with varying success, to get used to this changes. Therefore we decided (without leaving behind news, reviews, concert reports, interviews or articles) to get involved in this new project:
(starting friday January 9)
We will make a weekly one-hour-long «program» in which we will be trying to review the albums that are brewing at the moment without putting aside past times. Every now and then we will make some «specials»: themed programs dedicated to a group, to a «concept» or to anything. We plan to broadcast sound recording interviews too, and just as the time passes, we wish to see the podcast growing and evolving. Only the first intention will be retained, which is to support the bands we like.
We will publish HERE every friday, at eight in the evening, a new podcast. And in a few months we will make a new webpage where we’ll get together all programs. Only time will tell everything else.
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